Basic Usage

theanolm command recognizes several subcommands:

theanolm train
Trains a neural network language model.
theanolm score
Performs text scoring and perplexity computation using a neural network language model.
theanolm decode
Decodes a word lattice using a neural network to compute the language model probabilities.
theanolm sample
Generates sentences by sampling words from a neural network language model.
theanolm version
Displays the version number and exits.

The complete list of command line options available for each subcommand can be displayed with the --help argument, e.g.:

theanolm train --help

Using GPUs

Theano can automatically utilize NVIDIA GPUs for numeric computation. Whether the CPU or a GPU is used, is selected by configuring Theano. This is totally transparent to TheanoLM.

First you need to have CUDA installed. The new GpuArray backend is the only GPU backend that Theano supports anymore. Before using it you have to install the libgpuarray library. Also, currently it requires cuDNN for all the necessary operations to work, and cuDNN requires a graphics card with compute capability 3.0 or higher. The backend is still under active development, so using the latest developmet versions of Theano and libgpuarray from GitHub is recommended.

The first GPU device can be selected using device=cuda0 in $THEANO_FLAGS environment variable, or in .theanorc configuration file. The simplest way to get started is to set $THEANO_FLAGS as follows:

export THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32,device=cuda0

floatX=float32 selects 32-bit floating point precision, which is not required anymore in the new backend, but is a good idea to conserve memory. In order to use multiple GPUs, one would map the cuda devices to dev names, e.g:

export THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32,contexts=dev0->cuda0;dev1->cuda1"

For details on configuring Theano, see Theano Configuration in the API documentation.