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Source code packages

theanolm.commands package contains the main scripts for launching the subcommands. package contains Network class, which constructs the network from layer objects and stores the neural network state (parameters). Each layer type is implemented in its own class that derives from BasicLayer. These classes specify the layer parameters and the mathematical structure using symbolic variables.

theanolm.parsing package contains classes for iterating text and converting it to mini-batches. package contains Trainer class, which performs the training iterations. It is responsible for cross-validation and learning rate adjustment. It uses one of the optimization classes derived from BasicOptimizer to compute the gradients and adjust the network parameters.

theanolm.scoring package contains the TextScorer class for scoring sentences and LatticeDecoder class for decoding word lattices. TextScorer is used both for cross-validation during training and by the score command for evaluating text.

theanolm.textsampler.TextSampler class is used by the sample command for generating text.

Neural network structure

A Network object contains tensors input_word_ids, input_class_ids, and mask that represent the mini-batch input of the network, i.e. a set of n word sequences, where n is the batch size. These symbolic variables represent two-dimensional matrices. The first dimension is the time step, i.e. the index of a word inside a sequence, and the second dimension is the sequence. The mask indicates which elements are past the sequence end; the output will be ignored if the corresponding mask value is zero. Theano functions that utilize the network have these tensors as inputs. Their values will be read from a text file by a BatchIterator.

Layers receive a list of input layers in the constructor. The constructor creates the initial values of the layer parameters. Every layer implements the create_structure() method that describe its output, given its parameters and the output of its input layers.

The Network constructs the layer objects. First layer object is a NetworkInput, which is not a real layer, but just provides in its output either the word ID or class ID matrix. The first layer following a NetworkInput should be a ProjectionLayer. It maps the integer word IDs into floating point vectors. Thus the projection layer and all the subsequent layers output a three-dimensional tensor, where the third dimension is the activation vector.
